Правовое регулирование государственной службы в таможенных органах (english) - (диплом)
Правовое регулирование государственной службы в таможенных органах (english) - (диплом)
Дата добавления: март 2006г.
THE PLAN The project Introduction
1. Становление and development of customs business in a Republic of Uzbekistan 1. 1. Brief review of a history становления and development of customs business in a Republic of Uzbekistan (in period up to 1991г. ) 1. 2. Feature of development of customs business in conditions становления of state independence 2. Legal basis of a state service in customs houses of a Republic of Uzbekistan 2. 1. Concept and legal characteristic of a state service in customs houses
2. 2. Main principles of a state service in customs houses
2. 3. Legal status of the officials of customs houses in a Republic of Uzbekistan
2. 4. Certification of the officials of customs houses
3. International experience of legal regulation of a customs service and opportunities of his(its) application in national practice of a Republic of Uzbekistan 3. 1. Republic of Uzbekistan both международно-legal cooperation and regulation in the field of customs business within the framework of a CIS 3. 2. Sharing(participation) of a Republic of Uzbekistan in international торгово-customs organizations and agreements acting in countries of distant foreign countries: experience and prospects
The conclusion The references to sources The list of the used literature Introduction
Deep, radical on the essence the political and socio economic transformations realized in Uzbekistan, have caused serious change of a role both significance of many spheres of activity and spheres of management, components the base of life of company. Among such areas, which significance especially for the last years constantly grows, it is necessary to name customs business and customs tariff policy being, component of internal and external policy(politics) of a Republic of Uzbekistan. This rule(situation) has basic character and requires(demands) therefore additional explanatories. The interrelation of customs business both customs tariff policies with internal and external policy(politics) of the state is as a whole obvious. However in epoch of radical reforming of the economic attitudes(relations), social infrastructure both major литико-state institutes and structures this interrelation has acquired the special significance. As the uniform customs tariff policy is a part of internal policy(politics), and the core, core last is made economy, by(with) the economic attitudes(relations) as a whole, so far as customs business and customs tariff policy become the important active factors of formation new economic уклада, tools of creation of the progressive forms of economic life adequate to the market attitudes(relations) and a radical image distinguished from undynamical, закостенелых of the forms appropriate to character of a rigidly centralized planned economy. Thus, customs business and customs tariff policy in new conditions not only represent itself as the tool and conductor of foreign trade activities, but also acquire qualitatively other, more important significance, becoming regulators and means of formation of the new economic attitudes(relations) and communications(connections). Objectively increased role of customs business and customs tariff policies in внутриэкономических processes and expansion of a range of their influence on a background демократизации and the liberalizations of foreign trade activities have caused, in turn, necessity of the new approach to legal regulation of all complex(difficult) and non-uniform complex of the attitudes(relations) connected to realization of customs tariff policy. The creation of a new legal basis of regulation of customs business leans(bases), certainly, on the historical development, saved in the previous periods, experience of the customs legislation. However with the beginning of reforming in Uzbekistan of the economic and political attitudes(relations), transition to market economy arises and gradually new democratic concept of customs business will be realized(sold). Gradually begins to be formed new vision of customs business which is taking into account the progressive phenomena and the tendency in development of the economic attitudes(relations) in country and world(global) civilized таможенно-legal experience, and creation of the customs legislation, appropriate to it, (him. For want of it the out-of-date approach adapted to needs(requirements) of an administrative - command control system by economy is rejected. Taking into account the important role of customs business and legislations on it(him) in socio economic life of country, today it is possible to ascertain increasing interest to таможенно-legal questions on the part of the workers of customs houses, economic chiefs, businessmen, businessmen, and also teachers, post-graduate students both students of economic and legal educational establishments, aspiration постигнуть of a basis, and then“subtlety”both detail of customs business and customs legislation. Recently there was a whole series of the basic legal sertificates(acts) on customs business—Customs code (26. 12. 1997) and Law " About a state customs service " (29. 08. 1997), Law " About the customs Tariff " (____), other laws regulating the customs attitudes(relations), and also numerous current sertificates(acts) of the President, Study of the Ministers, ГТК, МВЭС РУз and other state bodies have the important significance for regulation of the attitudes(relations) in customs sphere. Some experience of a scientific understanding of customs processes in different periods of their historical development is already saved. All this objectively has caused statement of a question about allocation in system of the right of rather independent complex branch—Customs right. In this connection in offered research work the attempt is undertaken to formulate understanding and urgency of significance of a state service in customs houses as parts of the customs right and by that to put a beginning to comprehensive discussion of this problem, as the rule(situation) about passage of a service in customs houses is at the stage of consideration. 1. Становление and development of customs business in a Republic of Uzbekistan ( in period up to 1991г. ) 1. 1 Brief review of a history становления and development of customs business in a Republic of Uzbekistan It is impossible well to acquire modern scientific - theoretical bases of customs business without digression in a history of the customs right of Uzbekistan at various stages of his(its) development. Not having an opportunity in detail to analyze this complex(difficult) and long process, we shall allocate the main moments describing development of customs business and the legislation on it(him) in дореволюционный period, and also in Union ССР. Even the brief historical sketch will help more precisely to imagine a modern condition both development and development of customs business in Uzbekistan to understand evolution of main таможенно-legal institutes and norms, clearer to present the tendencies and prospects of development of customs business and customs right of Uzbekistan hereafter to schedule some ways of perfection of таможенно-legal system of a Republic of Uzbekistan. The occurrence of customs business both legal institutes and norms, his(its) fixing, ascends to most ancient times of a history. If to investigate a question on occurrence of a customs service in дореволюционный period, the speech can go mainly about organization таможенно-пошлинного of taxation. It was known from times of board Тимура. It is possible to speak about an actually customs service with reference to early period of a history conditionally, as only by confluence of time in accordance with creation and strenghtening of the centralized state, expansion of external economic dialogue both turn-over went становление and development of structures and institutes, which have made then nucleus of a customs service. The gain монголо-татарами has resulted in rooting in Russian of a word "тамга", озночавшего at тюркских of the peoples a mark, brand, which was grantiven on property a belonging sort. The verb "тамжить", i. e was formed(educated) from a word "тамга". To tax the goods with the duty, and place where the goods "тамжили" has become to refer to as as "customs". The main process становления and development of customs business is necessary on period 1917 on 1991годы. For this period the valuable experience, which disregarding was saved, including critical, it is impossible to develop the modern customs right. The new state authority after October revolution skeptically has considered the usual system of customs houses, as well as concept of customs business as a whole on territory Туркестана. The realization ленинской of idea of state monopoly of foreign trade on сущесву has blocked wide application of таможенно-tariff regulation and has made system of the customs control purely(cleanly) by auxiliary tool of regulation of foreign trade. On a boundary 20-30х of years in USSR has prevailed командно bureaucratic style of management. The foreign trade policy(politics) is based to a principle of state monopoly, and the customs houses gradually lose the most essential functions and cease to execute a role фискальных of establishments. However structure of the customs houses usual де-факто in second half 30х of years and which have received legal fastening in the Customs code 1964г. , with very insignificant changes up to middle 80х of years was saved. In a 1925 according to the plan about reorganization of the customs device on places on territory USSR was formed(educated) 11 regional customs inspection managements: Karelian, NORTHWEST, северо-Caucasian, Туркменское, Uzbek, Alma-Ati etc. In the chapter of each бustoms office there was a manager, which carried out supervision, management(manual) of the customs and other establishments included in structure of area of activity of the given customs. A working body in customs houses was the technical meeting (1). The order of a reception(party) on a service of the employees was defined(determined) by the labour legislation and rules about a state service. The customs charter defined(determined) kinds of activity, which the customs employees could not attend to: sharing(participation) in organizations executing work on loading, unloading of the consignments, and also what in - or measures of commercial character personally or through подставных of the persons; acceptance per itself of the power of attorney and assignment(order) on customs businesses from the extraneous persons; a purchase of the goods on таможеннных auctions. Accepted in 1928г. The customs code USSR (2) has not introduced significant changes to organization of customs office. In development of customs business in USSR the tendency to simplification of system of customs houses is at this time visible. In particular(personally), the Customs code 1928 did not provide on territory USSR of regional customs inspection managements. By the decree of presidium of the supreme Body USSR from 5. 05. 1964г. (3), the new Customs code was authorized. The management of customs business was referred to management of Ministry of foreign trade and was carried out through Main customs office, included in his(its) structure. Among functions of бustoms offices were allocated the control behind observance of state monopoly of foreign trade, fulfilment of customs operations and struggle with smuggling. During external economic reform (1986-1991) the new stage of development of customs system begins, which features are connected to attempt to transform customs services of the state - монополиста to new administrative structure focused on functioning in conditions of the free market and a democratic mode. As the most radical stage of reform of system of customs houses it is necessary to consider(count) a beginning of a 1986, when the Main customs office of Ministry of foreign trade was transformed into Senior Management of the state customs control for want of Ministerial Council USSR - independent body of state management with the status of allied department. (4) Thus, for the first time for the whole history of the Soviet state the customs service was организационно detached. Logic completion of this stage - acceptance in 1991году of the new Customs Code and Law USSR about the customs tariff. The customs code and Law on the customs tariff accepted in 1991году, was introduced by(with) essential changes to organization of customs office. The creation of two coordination bodies - таможенно-tariff advice(council) and Coordination advice(council) on struggle with an international illegal turn-over of narcotic means and психотропных of substances was provided. The code легализовал actually already usual трехзвенную system of customs houses: central customs house - regional customs offices - customs. Central customs house has become Customs committee. His(its) functions in a greater measure to be guided by economic model of regulation of foreign economic relations and have undergone in this connection essential changes. The previous experience of creation and functioning of a customs service, despite of his(its) inconsistency and discrepancy, should be taken into account for want of formation and development of customs system of Uzbekistan. This experience should be taken into account and whenever possible использоватьв of a particular for want of to preparation of the basic таможенно-legal sertificates(acts), first of all about the status of customs houses of different levels, especially for want of definition(determination) them структкры and competence. 1. 2. Feature of development of customs business in a Republic of Uzbekistan conditions становления of state independence As the beginning of creation of a modern customs service and other таможенно-legal institutes it is possible to consider(count) the decree of the President of a Republic of Uzbekistan from August 10 1992года " About formation(training) of State Customs committee of a Republic of Uzbekistan ". The following stage the decree of a Study of the Ministers of a Republic of Uzbekistan from March 4 1994года of № 114 " About questions of organization of activity of State tax committee of a Republic of Uzbekistan " in a part of concerning organization of activity of customs houses. Then decree of the President of a Republic of Uzbekistan from July 8 1997г. № УП-1815 was created central customs house of Uzbekistan - State customs committee. During that of a month the decree of a Study of the Ministers № 374 " About questions of organization of activity of State customs committee of a Republic of Uzbekistan " was accepted. The Rule(situation) about ГТК of Uzbekistan was authorized, are certain(determined) structure and regular number of the central device of customs house. The rule(situation) fixes the legal status ГТК, his(its) problem, functions and order of activity. The main problems of customs houses are certain(determined): protection of economic interests and maintenance within the limits of the established(installed) authorities of economic safety of republic, sharing(participation) in development and realization of customs tariff policy of republic, protection of the rights and interests of the citizens, and as legal persons for want of realization of customs business. For today economic safety of the state provide more than 230 customs posts, including more than 150 - on borders of republic. Besides act дозоры on railway stations, airports, river ports. For the account(invoice) внебюджетных of means the objects of a customs infrastructure called to promote to acceleration of customs registration of the goods and means of transport, relocated(relocatable) through customs border сраны are created. For six years of independence is made out and more than 70 millions tons of the consignments are missed through border, including - almost 30 millions tons export, about 2 millions units of means of transport, is served over 2 millions private persons. (5) Only for the last year in a public finance is transferred(listed) of customs payments to billion сумов. Uzbekistan has achieved a recognition as subject of the customs right, the certificate it has become acceptance of a Republic of Uzbekistan in a 1992 in the members of World customs organization (ВТО), in which 142 countries are incorporated, and also inclusion of its(her) representative(representative) 24 states enter into a political commission of this organization, in which structure. Этапным for the further development of customs business in Uzbekistan there was a signing on July 18, 1994 in Алматы by the chiefs of countries of a CIS " of Bases of the customs legislation of the states - members of a CIS " (6). In them the fundamental function of the customs officers law-enforcement activity in struggle with infringements of the customs rules especially dangerous by displays of smuggling is certain(determined), all that that negatively influences socio economic life of company and state. Наиглавнейшая a problem to transform a customs service into the valid mechanism protecting domestic economy with the help of tariff and other measures, and also assisting to development of foreign economic relations of Uzbekistan and duly fulfilment in complete volume of his(its) international obligations. It in turn has resulted in creation of the state program of development of a customs service, above which the active work is conducted. The program should maximum contain in itself being available international experience and rules of law of customs houses. For упрщения and at the same time amplification(strengthening) customs конроля it is necessary to equip a service with modern computing means, engineering, communication(connection). Besides according to the international conventions signed by our country, it is necessary to develop principles of export quotas and to increase his(its) reliability for want of moving of such special goods, as military engineering, goods of double purpose(assignment), редкие kinds флоры and фауны, products интелектуальной of the property to achieve prevention of smuggling and infringement of the customs legislation. The program has the purpose to introduce customs business in our country to a level of international requests by an establishment standard in world(global) community and clear foreign investors, businessmen both citizens of the customs order and precise legal base for activity of the republican participants of foreign trade activities on observance of the rules and instructions of customs services including in world(global) practice. Key "marks" developed госпрограммы also are: Perfection and development of customs houses, mechanism of the control, amplification(strengthening) of interaction of a customs service with other law-enforcement bodies, strenghtening of material base of customs houses (7). 2. Legal basis of a state service in customs houses of a Republic of Uzbekistan 2. 1 Concept and legal characteristic of a state service in customs houses The important place among the subjects of the customs right is taken by(with) the civil servants working as direct in customs houses, and in included in customs system РУз establishments, at the enterprises and in organizations. In the beginning it would be necessary to state some general(common) reasons of rather modern understanding of character and contents of a state service. It is necessary for revealing main features and definition(determination) of specifity of a service in customs houses, establishments and organizations. Б. М. Лазарев fairly marks: “In any system of social management, directly or in the end, the people operate the people. It concerns and to the state mechanism. Without staff it(he) would represent by itself(himself) lifeless structures, legal statuses and circuits of interrelations”(1). This rule(situation) to the full is applicable(applied) to organization of the mechanism of management of customs business. The concepts“ a customs service ” and “ a service in customs houses, establishments and organizations ” can be treated differently —Both as identical, and as essentially distinguished from each other. It depends, in turn, on treatment of the term“ a customs service ”. It is represented, that there are basis to understand a customs service as the certain set of customs houses, establishments and organizations, and also legal status of the officials of customs houses, order and conditions of passage of a service in these bodies (2). In the present work the speech goes about a state service and status of the civil servants in customs houses and establishments, about the order of a reception(party), passage, termination(discontinuance) of a service in them and about a number of other questions connected to a service in them. In the literature concerning definition(determination) as a whole concept of a state service is not present unity of opinions. The different variants of this concept are offered. For example, Б. М. Лазарев believes: “ A State service —It first of all service to the state, i. e. fulfilment under his(its) assignment(order) and for the payment from him(it) of activity on realization of problems and functions of the state in state bodies, “ power(force) ”structures, in state welfare establishments, at the state enterprises (in their administration)”(3). This definition(determination) causes some questions. Unless the so-called powers(force) structures—Are not state bodies, not bodies of the executive authority? What circle of the workers who are included in administration of the enterprises? The answers to these questions have the certain significance for understanding of character and contents of a state customs service. That the service in customs houses (being state bodies) and in the majority of establishments, enterprises and organizations, subordinated ГТК (and being on the character also state), represents a version of a state service, does not cause doubts. The state customs service is a service in bodies, establishments and organizations directly carrying out customs businesses or promoting the decision of customs problems.
2. 2. Main principles of a state service in customs houses
The state service in customs houses and establishments is constructed according to democratic principles fixed in the Constitution РУз. In particular(personally), in гл. 9 items 37 the principle is proclaimed: “ Each has the right on labour, on free choice работы. ”. Is more developed principles of a state service are formulated in other legal sertificates(acts). In the scientific and educational legal literature to a question on principles of a state service the considerable attention is given. In opinion, for example, Д. Н. Бахраха, to number of main principles of a state service concern демократизм, professionalism, социально-legal protection of the employees (4). Named it is possible to consider(count) and main principles of a state customs service, by adding to this list also principle of the responsibility and accountability of the employees. The principle демократизма, being the constitutional principle, is displayed, in particular(personally), in сменяемости of the customs employee. Сменяемость of the staff in customs houses and establishments is provided during their natural updating, in particular(personally), connected with a leaving(maintenance, le) of the workers till achievement of the appropriate age on pension, and also on a condition of health, with purpose(assignment) for other post, in case of transition in other departments, and also in case of clearing of a post and downturn in it(her). The legal procedures and warranties сменяемости of the workers of customs houses and establishments are stipulated in the normative sertificates(acts) ГТК РУз, including in the normative sertificates(acts) on a reception(party) and termination(discontinuance) of a service in customs houses issued ГТК of a Republic of Uzbekistan. The responsibility and accountability of the persons who are taking place on a service in customs houses and establishments, is the important principle of a customs service (5). The realization has it(him) the features stipulated by specifity of the status of customs houses and their officials, described, in particular(personally), precisely expressed vertical subordination of parts of system of these bodies and absence legally of fixed subordination on a horizontal—Public authorities on places of a Republic of Uzbekistan (6), local government and local administration. As to the responsibility of a considered category of the employees, to them directly concern общедемократические of a request and installation(aim). The legislation, including Customs Code, establishes(installed) various kinds of the responsibility (дисциплинарная, administrative, criminal, material) officials of customs houses. The principle of professionalism, competence is the leading beginning for want of organizations and functioning of a state customs service. It not only общедемократическое the condition of formation and activity of the case of the customs employee, but also is precise legally fixed request, without which fulfilment the reception of the right on management of operations and actions in customs sphere is impossible. Let's stay in the beginning on the understanding and contents of a principle of professionalism with reference to a customs service and to the customs employees. Taking into account complex(difficult), multidimensional character of customs business, it is important to emphasize compulsion both general(common), and special preparation of the employees necessary for realization of customs business. First of all it concerns the employees actually of customs houses, and also establishments, is closest them contiguous (for example, customs laboratories, regional and other services), without which help the activity of customs houses cannot be effective. The employees of customs houses should have knowledge and practical skills in the field of foreign trade activities to know details and subtleties of technology of customs business. They should also be guided in the appropriate legal material. The speech goes first of all about административно-legal and administrative - remedial aspects of regulation and realization of customs business; about уголовно-legal and уголовно-remedial norms (smuggling and other crimes in sphere of customs business, дознание and operative - розыскная activity), and also about some rules(situations) of other legal branches—Financial, labour, tax, bank right; the currency legislation; the международно-legal agreements, agreements and norms in the field of cooperation of the states in sphere of customs business. By word, the requests presented to the customs employee, are rather high, that is explained by necessity to supply(ensure) genuine professionalism and competence of the given category of the civil servants. For example Customs Code of Russian Federation consecrates a principle of professionalism as follows. So, among requests presented to the officials of customs houses, the ability of these persons on the business and moral qualities, educational level is stipulated " to execute the problems, assigned to customs houses, " (7). With the purposes of improvement of work on preparation and retraining of the staff for customs houses, increase of their professional level, and as for training the experts on customs registration the decree of a Study of the Ministers № 374 from 30. 07. 1997 formed(educated) Educational Centre of State Customs committee. As on the basis of Academy МВД and Institute СНБ the rates on preparation and retraining of the officials of customs houses which are carrying out operatively - розыскную activity (8) were organized. Thus maintenance of professionalism, competence for want of realization of customs activity should be precisely stipulated by the law. And the maintenance of professionalism should be continuous, in case of essential change of legal regulation of customs business служажий owes when due hereunder (for example, one month agrees ТК of Russian Federation) to confirm conformity of the knowledge to new requests to such experts. The requests of professionalism and competence of the serving production, devoted questions, and disposal of legal proceeding about infringements of the customs rules, management ТН ВЭД and other questions as remain open and the considerations require(demand). The principle of social security of the customs employee in this or that measure is reflected and is fixed in the law on a State Customs Service and in the Decree of a Study of the Ministers № 374 from 30. 07. 1997г. , in other normative sertificates(acts) ГТК. With change of character of customs business, expansion of his(its) scales the attitude(relation) to it(him) hardly was changed. By a first step to this was the transformation of Main Customs Office to State Customs Committee, and his(its) allocation from structure of State Tax Committee. Now she(it) especially requires constant material, financial and social support on the part of the state. Without it the customs houses will was simply be not capable decide problems, worth before them, which quantity(amount) is increased, and the character becomes complicated. As customs houses and establishments —It first of all officials, working in them, and other categories of the state customs employee, so far as their social security, care of payment of their labour and financially - household maintenance in a decisive degree define(determine) efficiency of functioning of customs system as a whole and each link separately. The questions of supply of materials of the officials of customs houses are consecrated in the Law " About a state customs service " (9). In particular(personally), the law guarantees wages consisting of the official salary, extra charges for special ranks, long service of years and other afterpays. Transferred(listed) and other rules of law, in which the principle of social protection of the customs employee and, in particular(personally), officials of customs houses is embodied, should will be added, развиватся and конкретизироватся in the decrees of the President and decrees of a Study of the Ministers, in the normative sertificates(acts) ГТК. Taking into account significance of the given rules(situations), as I already emphasized it is above necessary to add the existing Customs code by additional section, where the questions of the rights, responsibilities, social protection and supply of materials of the officials of customs houses will be precisely settled. For work over the Republic of Uzbekistan, established(installed) by the legislation, of duration of working hours, and also for work in night time, target and holidays indemnification is grantiven to the officials of customs houses according to the legislation of a Republic of Uzbekistan on labour. The speech goes, in particular(personally), about an item of 115 Labour codes about normal duration of working hours; about an item of 158 Labour codes about payment of work in night time; about an item of 157 Labour codes about payment of work in target and holidays (10). ТК the payment of the allowances is stipulated in case of destruction of the official of customs house, reception by him(it) of corporal damages and reimbursement of a material loss. In case of destruction of the official of customs house in connection with performance(fulfillment) of the official duties the lumpsum allowance at a rate of the ten-multiple annual money contents lost on last taken to them in customs houses of a post is paid to family lost and his(its) dependents. At a rate of monthly average earnings lost on the last post, taken to them, in addition is paid to the minor dependents lost the monthly allowance before majority or occurrence of an independent source of the income, pupil of day time branches of maximum or average special educational establishments—Before termination(ending) study. To other dependents the pension in a case of loss of the supporter at a rate of monthly average earnings lost is nominated. For want of reception the official of customs house in connection with performance(fulfillment) of the official duties of corporal damages excluding for him(it) an opportunity hereinafter to attend by professional activity, to the indicated person pays the lumpsum allowance at a rate of the five-multiple annual money contents on last taken by him(it) in customs houses of a post, and also within ten years—Difference between a size of his(its) monthly average earnings on the last taken post and size of pension. For want of drawing the lumpsum allowance at a rate of five monthly average earnings is paid to the official of customs house of other corporal damages to it(him). The damage caused to property of the official of customs house or his(its) close relative in connection with performance(fulfillment) by this official of the official duties, is reimbursed in complete volume. The payment of the allowances and reimbursement of damage caused to property, is made from means of the federal budget with the subsequent collection of these sums from the guilty persons. The decision on payment of the allowances is accepted by the chief of customs house on a place of work of the court, which has lossed on the basis of the sentence, either decree следственных of bodies or public prosecutor about the termination(discontinuance) of criminal case or stay of a preliminary consequence. Reimbursement of damage caused to property, is made under the decision (sentence) of court. The annual money contents of the official of customs house used for calculation of sizes of the lumpsum allowances, includes all kinds of money payments, which the indicated person should receive per a year of destruction or causing вреда to his(its) health. The monthly average earnings is defined(determined) in the order established(installed) by the legislation РУз for reimbursement by the employers вреда, caused by the workers by a mutilation, occupational disease or other damage of health connected to performance(fulfillment) by them of the labour responsibilities. The payment of the allowances and sums of reimbursement of property damage is made by customs house, in which worked lossed up to the moment of destruction, reception of corporal damage or causing of damage of property, and in case this body is reorganized or is liquidated, — His(its) assignee or higher body. · The sums of the allowances and reimbursement of property damage by the taxes are not taxed. The legislation provides obligatory state personal insurance of the officials of customs houses. These persons are subject to obligatory state personal insurance at the expense of means of a public finance. The insured sum is paid: 1) In case of destruction (death) of the insured official during a service in customs houses or before the expiration of one year after dismissal from them owing to a wound (contusion), other corporal damages, disease received for want of performance(fulfillment) of the official duties, his(its) successors (after sight of the certificate on the right to the inheritance)— At a rate of 12, 5-кратного of the annual money contents; 2) For want of establishments insured physical inabilities in connection with performance(fulfillment) of the official duties during a service before the expiration of one year after dismissal from customs houses: To the invalid of 1 group — At a rate of 7, 5-кратного of the annual money contents; To the invalid II groups — At a rate of the 5-multiple annual money contents; To the invalid III groups — At a rate of 2, 5-кратного of the annual money contents; 3) In case of reception insured in connection with performance(fulfillment) of the official duties of heavy corporal damage—At a rate of the annual money contents, and in case of reception of less heavy corporal damage— At a rate of the semi-annual money contents. The insured sum on the given kind of insurance is paid irrespective of payments on other kinds of insurance and payments by way of reimbursement вреда. The annual money contents of the official of customs house РУз is defined(determined) on the last post, taken by this person, in customs house and includes all kinds of money payments, which the indicated person should receive per a year of approach of insured accident. Other conditions and procedure of obligatory state personal insurance of the officials of customs houses РУз are defined(determined) by the agreement between ГТК and state insurance organization. The taxation of the incomes received by the officials of customs houses РУз in connection with performance(fulfillment) of the official duties, is carried out with reference to conditions and order established(installed) by the legislation РУз for military men. Leave of the official of customs house. The annual paid leave by duration 30 calendar days disregarding of time of following to a place of rest and back with payment of travel expenses is grantiven to the official of customs house. The annual paid leave by duration 45 calendar days is grantiven to the official of customs house working in districts with heavy and adverse climatic conditions. The additional annual paid leave of the following duration is grantiven to the official of customs house: The ambassador 10 years of a service . в these bodies — 5 calendar days; the ambassador 15 years of a service — 10 calendar days; the ambassador 20 years of a service —15 calendar days. Maintenance of the officials of customs houses by the residential area, telephone and granting to their children of places in children's preschool establishments. To the persons who are appointed to the post in customs houses, the residential area as a separate apartment or house on the norms, established(installed) by the legislation, is grantiven by bodies of a local government in the prime order and not later than one year from the moment of purpose(assignment) for a post. The customs houses can have service residential fund formed in the order, determined by a Study of the Ministers of a Republic of Uzbekistan. For want of discount is grantiven to payment of the residential area, municipal services, and also fuel to the officials of customs houses. The bodies of a local government sell on favourable terms housing accomodation to the officials of customs houses in the property with payment of 50 percents(interests) of his(its) cost. Behind the officials who have served in customs houses not less of 20 years, after dismissal on pension the right on preferential purchase of housing accomodation and payment of residential premises(rooms) on favourable terms is saved. In case of destruction of the official of customs house in connection with performance(fulfillment) of the official duties behind family lost the right on reception of the residential area on the same conditions and basis is saved which took place on the moment of destruction of this person; the residential area in this case is grantiven not later than one year from the date of destruction of the official of customs house.
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