
Правовые аспекты регулирования внешнеэкономической деятельности в РУз (english) - (диплом)

Правовые аспекты регулирования внешнеэкономической деятельности в РУз (english) - (диплом)

Дата добавления: март 2006г.

    By her(it).
    1. 1. LEGAL BASE of external ECONOMIC
    ACTIVITY In a Republic of Uzbekistan.
    1 CONCEPT of foreign trade ACTIVITIES And
    MANAGEMENT by her(it).
    COMMUNICATIONS(CONNECTIONS) of a Republic of Uzbekistan.

From the moment of declaration of independence Uzbekistan has confronted(met) with many problems, which render the appropriate influence on formation and realization of his(its) external policy(politics). Among them - difficulty of overcoming имперского of a heritage, the steady rise in price of cost of life, having dug former экономико-economic relations also is no time of uniform financial and денежно-credit systems, problem of entry in market economy, inflation determined recession of production, privatization, property stratification of the population.

The years of independence become time of creation of necessary political, legal and organizational bases for formation of the base of open economy. The purchase by a Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as other independent states, former in structure USSR, political independence and transition to market economy with the special acuteness(witticism) is put by(with) questions connected to research of their external economic attitudes(relations) and integration in world(global) market facilities(economy). You see just with liquidation тоталитарного of a mode the state monopoly to foreign trade and together with it(her) the rules of law regulating external relations, all-union system of the centralized formation of export both import and redistribution of currency resources has stopped the existence.

Disintegration of all-union foreign trade and external economic structures, real absence them in republic, weak knowledge конъюктуры of the world(global) market, sharp shortage of the qualified experts possessing skills of foreign trade, at the beginning have caused a number of difficulties in realization of external policy(politics). Внешнеполитическая the activity of a Republic of Uzbekistan has the important significance for its(her) national independence, political and economic independence, strenghtening of the sovereignty both safety and successful decision of sharp socio economic problems. The seven-year(seven-summer) experience of international relations of Uzbekistan shows, that realization of independent external policy(politics), development of own ways of entry in world(global) community, definition(determination) of directions both priorities of the interstate attitudes(relations) and their further development, assertion(statement) of principles of peace coexistence, equal in rights interstate attitudes(relations) and mutually advantageous cooperation promote the decision of wide sections of internal and external problems. Current внешнеполитическая the activity of a management(manual) not only answers its(her) national interests, but also is a necessary condition and major means of strenghtening of the sovereignty, successful overcoming of economic and social difficulties, improvement of life of the people.

The usual situation has caused of the accelerated formation of an own control system of external economic complexes, development(manufacture) of own principles of adjustment of external relations, independent definition(determination) of a way of integration of Uzbekistan in world(global) economic system. It also has highlighted a problem of gradual liberalization of foreign trade activities with sharp reduction of administrative restrictions and their replacement by the standard international norms and rules, market tools of regulation of foreign trade. One of first steps of fastening of legal maintenance of the genuine sovereignty of Uzbekistan in the international economic attitudes(relations) has become acceptance of the Constitution. After that step Uzbekistan has become independently and in the interests to define(determine) external policy(politics), has received the right to enter international organizations, systems of collective safety, interstate formations(trainings). In the beginning of reforming almost from zero the external economic complex of republic was formed, it was necessary to create the new mechanism of regulation of foreign trade activities and this problem first of all was decided(solved) in организационно-legal aspects.

Practically are anew created all republican институциональные of structure. Are formed(educated) Ministry of external economic ties, National Bank of foreign trade activities, customs service. The appropriate external economic divisions are created and act in a Study of the Ministers, ministries and departments, corporations, concerns, associations and local bodies of management. In a number of countries the trading houses are open. On a bilaterial basis the chambers of commerce and industry between Uzbekistan and USA, Great Britain, Germany and other countries are formed(educated) which are interested actively to cooperate to republic. The reforms in structure and structure of the participants of foreign economic relations are carried out. More than two thousands managing subjects of republic received the right of an output(exit) on the external market.

The purpose of the given work is the research and analysis of a control system of foreign trade activities, methods and methods of regulation of foreign economic relations, summarizing achieved during creation and development of the whole device of management of foreign trade activities in Republic. Also I shall try to make some recommendations and offers on improvement of a control system of foreign trade activities.

    Chapter I.


1. 1. Legal base of foreign trade activities in a Republic of Uzbekistan. In conditions of realization of deep economic reform huge changes undergoes not only general(common) economic legislation, but also instructions directly regulating foreign trade activities. Становление of the new mechanism of foreign trade activities it would be impossible without radical revision of the external economic legislation. The number of steps is already undertaken, but still very much should be made.

The domestic legislation experiences a stage of rough updating. This process затронул and external economic attitudes(relations). It is enough to mention acceptance of the important normative sertificates(acts) in the field of an exchange control, customs business, foreign investments and so on. At the same time the absence системности in the approach to perfection of the external economic legislation results in inconsistency and пробельности of a regulation, of a various sort to abusings and in a result negatively has an effect for efficiency external economic деятельности. 1

The changes in foreign trade activities connected to its(her) decentralization, radical changes in the state system(device), general conditions of managing in country and so on, carry so cardinal character, that as a matter of fact its(her) adequate normative base forms anew, and this base is under construction on essentially other bases.

For the first years of independence the main acts were accepted, the decrees of the President and governmental decisions which have put in pawn legal bases of expansion of external relations, liberalization of all foreign trade activities stimulating development of an export potential of republic are issued. It first of all Law“ About foreign trade activities ” accepted 14. 06. 1991 years, Law “ 06 foreign investments ” and “ About the warranties of activity of the foreign investors ”accepted on the last session Олий Мажлиса both other legislative and normative sertificates(acts), which have allowed to generate main frame conditions for realization of foreign economic relations, conclusion and performance(fulfillment) of the international agreements in the field of foreign trade activities to supply(ensure) protection of economic interests of republic, legal persons and citizens of Uzbekistan behind his(its) limits to establish the legal warranties for activity of the foreign investors on territory республики. 1

1. 2. Concept of foreign trade activities and management by her(it). Foreign trade activities of a Republic of Uzbekistan are understood as set of practical actions of state bodies, legal and natural persons of a Republic of Uzbekistan directed on an establishment and development of external economic cooperation to the foreign states, their legal and natural persons, international организациями. 2

Objects of foreign trade activities in a Republic of Uzbekistan are the resources of all kinds, goods and services created in all branches and spheres of a national economy, valuable papers, scientific and technical production, intellectual and other values, except for those objects, which is forbidden to use in foreign trade activities by the legislation of Republic Узбекистан. 1 The subjects of foreign trade activities in a Republic of Uzbekistan irrespective of patterns of ownership can be legal and natural persons, including foreign, international organizations, дейстгующие on territory of republic or behind its(her) limits and registered in a Republic of Uzbekistan as the participants external economic связей. 2 All subjects of foreign trade activities irrespective of patterns of ownership and kinds of foreign trade activities have the equal rights till her(it) of осуществлению. 3 Each subject of foreign trade activities can independent define(determine) a kind, form and direction of sharing(participation) in foreign economic relations to involve(attract) at own discretion when due hereunder on a contractual or free basis legal and natural persons necessary for realization for foreign trade activities. Each subject of foreign trade activities has the right to possess to use and to dispose of results of foreign trade activities, including the income in a foreign exchange.

    The subject of foreign trade activities is obliged:

· To observe legislative and other norms acting on territory a Republic& of Uzbekistan, conventional international norms and rules;

· When due hereunder to be registered as the participant of foreign economic relations and to represent the accounting and statistical reporting; · To receive the judgements on conformity to санитарно-hygienic, ecological and other requests of works, surveys and projects executed within the framework of international cooperation to have the license for the right of realization of separate kinds of foreign trade activities.

The Republic of Uzbekistan, carrying out foreign trade activities, is guided by:

· By principle of mutual benefit of cooperation with all states, foreign legal and natural persons, international organizations;

    · By principle of equality of the parties;

· By principle of non-interference in internal businesses of the partners on foreign economic relations;

· By principle of fulfilment of the mutual obligations accepted under the agreement with the foreign states and international organizations; · And also other conventional international norms, rules and conditions. To management of a Republic of Uzbekistan as subject of foreign trade activities concern:

· Establishment of legislative bases of organization of foreign trade activities; · Development and realization of external economic policy(politics), including валютно-credit, formation and use of monetary fund of a Republic of Uzbekistan;

· The conclusion and performance(fulfillment) of the international agreements in the field of foreign trade activities;

· Protection of economic interests of republic, legal persons and citizens of a Republic of Uzbekistan behind its(her) limits;

· Establishment of the legal warranties for activity of the foreign investors on territory of republic;

· Representation in international economic organizations and associations; · And other authorities.

The legal persons and separate citizens of a Republic of Uzbekistan have the right to carry out foreign trade activities outside a Republic of Uzbekistan, including to create the enterprises with the right of the legal person, branches, representations and other detached divisions. With the purposes of maintenance of the rights and interests of a Republic of Uzbekistan, its(her) legal persons and citizens, the establishments of direct mutually advantageous contacts in the field of foreign trade activities in the foreign states, for want of international organizations can be established trade or other representations of Republic Узбекистан. 1

On territory of a Republic of Uzbekistan according to its(her) legislation there can be enterprises with the foreign investments, international economic and financial organizations including of legal persons both citizens of a Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign states. The foreign states, firms, banks, international organizations and other legal persons can establish in a Republic of Uzbekistan the representations, branches and other structural divisions which are carrying out foreign trade activities. In a Republic of Uzbekistan the free economic zones can be created.

    1. 3. State regulation of foreign trade activities.

The transition to market economy requires(demands) качественнно of the new approach to state regulation of foreign trade activities. On the first place in state regulation of foreign trade activities are now put forward: · Definition(determination) of long-term strategy;

· Development both assertion(statement) of the forecasts of export and import, and also currency, foreign trade and payment balances;

· The control behind activity of ministries, departments, concerns and associations, industrial associations and enterprises of all patterns of ownership involved in foreign trade activities;

· Creation of conditions both stimulus for activer and effective sharing(participation) of country in an international division of labour. The state regulation of foreign trade activities is a core of the external economic legislation and requires erection in a rank of the law. For want of it the wide set of tools, not contradicting to the international law, of external economic policy(politics), giving a legal opportunity operatively to react on changes of a situation in the internal and external markets (including with the purposes of protection of the domestic manufacturers) with definition(determination) of authorities of the appropriate state government bodies and management on application similar инструментов. 1, similar, should According to the legislation the state regulation of foreign trade activities includes:

· Registration of the subjects of foreign trade activities; · Establishment of system дифференцированных of the taxes and privileges, including currency;

· Creation of state system of information maintenance of foreign trade activities;

· Granting of the financial help as the grants, grants, субвенций, budget loans, insurance of risks connected to realization and development of foreign trade activities of separate regions, branches and enterprises;

· Development, financing and realization of examination of target comprehensive programmes on development of the various forms of foreign economic relations of republic;

· Декларирование about export and import of production (works, services); · Creation and draft on funds of currency and other funds.

The state with the purpose of protection of the national interests, interests of all company adjusts foreign trade activities, and also influences by that or different way the participants of the attitudes, (relations, ) arising for want of it, rendering them support or creating adverse conditions for realization of separate kinds external economic деятельности. 1

The state effect on the subjects of foreign trade activities can be direct or indirect. The example of direct effect is served by(with) granting to the particular(specific) experts of privileges on payment of the customs duties. And the indirect effect is displayed in establishment of the high import tariffs on any production, thereby state induces the participants of foreign trade activities to import not these, and other goods.

Such effect is carried out by acceptance of the legislative and normative sertificates(acts) regulating the attitudes(relations), foreign trade activities, arising for want of management, , and has by the purpose protection both public, and private(individual) interests.

    The following directions are inherent in it(him):

а) Maintenance of consolidation of economy, its(her) stability and development. All state regulation is directed on these purposes. In particular(personally), the state makes the forecasts on volumes and structure of export-import transactions, carries out customs, and also currency exchange regulation, providing repatriation of the foreign exchange earnings to not admit(allow) export of goods both resources on undercharges and outflow of the capital from country and, hence to protect the economic interests;

б) Safety of health of the citizens and protection of an environment. The special requests to importation of specific goods are established, providing availability at the importer of the quality certificate, veterinary, sanitary certificates. The obligatory availability of the certificate and mark of conformity to production to the established(installed) requests is stipulated in the Law of a Republic of Uzbekistan“ About certification of products and services ”. The particular(specific) order of importation of production is defined(determined) by Main customs office and Госстандартом of Uzbekistan; в) Possibility of access of the domestic managing subjects on the foreign markets.

In these purposes the government concludes the international agreements, aspiring to supply(ensure) a favorable mode to export of the goods, and also arranges to недопущению of his(its) restrictions. In world(global) practice it is accepted also to conclude the agreements with интеграционными by groupings and states, where there is a threat of unilateral introduction антидемпинговых or other restrictive measures concerning import of the national goods. In case of the conclusion of the agreements the export of these goods is limited established(installed) квотами. 1

It is necessary to note, that by foreign countries are demanded to the imported goods both on quality, and on marks. In different countries there is a various order of importation of the goods providing availability of a lot of the various documents. In practice of world(global) trade the restrictions on import of a number of the goods are widely applied which can be both temporary, and constant. Possession by the information on conditions of realization of export the necessary precondition for successful management of foreign trade activities, for achievement of a due level of competitiveness of the national businessmen. In these purposes of government create systems on rendering information and consultation services to the domestic exporters, that is stipulated by the responsibility of the state to promote development of economy, including export of the national goods. The appropriate base exists as bodies representing the states abroad and have large opportunities on the tax of the necessary information;

д) Maintenance of competitiveness of the domestic businessmen. With the purpose of protection of the national businessmen and недопущения of drawing by him(it) of a material loss are established, in particular(personally), special антидемпинговые and countervailing duties for some import goods;

е) Maintenance of stimulation of development of separate branches of economy and assistance to scientific and technical progress.

In these purposes the state can conduct preferential crediting of purchases of the new equipment to carry out insurance of the export credits to provide a number of privileges on export-import transactions to supply(ensure) modernization of production to increase competitiveness both with the purpose of maintenance of needs of a domestic industry, and with the purpose of progress of the national goods on the foreign markets;

    ж) Maintenance of needs of separate branches of economy.

Is carried out by various methods. For example, to supply(ensure) the enterprises of separate branches with necessary raw material, the state is direct through the authorized bodies concludes the contracts on deliveries of production for the needs. Probably and assistance in maintenance the raw material and equipment by an establishment of a preferential mode of import of such production, and also by restriction of export of production, without which cannot be worked by(with) the domestic businessmen;

з) Registration of the participants of foreign economic relations. She(it) is carried out for maintenance of the account(record-keeping) of the participants of external economic ties, creation of conditions for reception by them of information and advisory services, inspection of business specialization of the partners abroad and in Uzbekistan. The realization of registration is entrusted to Ministry of external economic ties and his(its) divisions in regions республики. 1

Thus, the main problem of the state consists not in establishment of restrictive measures on regulation of foreign trade activities of its(her) participants, and in всемерном assistance to their performance(statement) in the world(global) market. Main elements of external economic policy(politics), main problems, principles and the directions of activity in this area define(determine) Олий Мажлис of a Republic of Uzbekistan, President and Study of the Ministers of a Republic of Uzbekistan.

The external economic policy(politics) is developed and is carried out by bodies of a legislative and executive authority of Republic Узбекистани includes measures of legal, economic and administrative regulation of foreign trade activities according to the Law“ About foreign trade activities ” and other legislative актами. 1 Direct work on coordination of work of the participants of foreign economic relations, development of the offers on such activity, conclusion of the intergovernmental international economic agreements of a Republic of Uzbekistan, maintenance of sharing(participation) of republic in work of international economic organizations, development(manufacture) and realization of target policy(politics) in foreign trade activities and other measures are carried out by a Study of the Ministers directly and through the appropriate state bodies.

Central part of the mechanism of regulation of foreign trade activities is the Ministry of external economic ties, to which the right is given within the limits of the competence to carry out state management of these communications(connections) with the appropriate responsibility for their condition and development. Main attention the ministry concentrates on nation-wide торгово-political, прогнозных and analytical questions of development of external economic ties, increase of their efficiency, perfection of the mechanism of the activity, on rendering of assistance to ministries, departments, external economic organizations, enterprises of all patterns of ownership, associations both organizations in становлении and development of their foreign economic relations.

The Republic of Uzbekistan guarantees maintenance of legal interests of the subjects of foreign trade activities. The state does not bear the responsibility under the obligations of the subjects of foreign trade activities. And the subjects of foreign trade activities do not bear the responsibility under the obligations of a Republic of Uzbekistan. The norms about the responsibility for infringement of the legislation about foreign trade activities represent hardly whether not the vulnerable part of the external economic legislation, that negatively has an effect for his(its) efficiency as a whole. There is also feedback: rules should be properly developed, for which non-observance the responsibility is established point of view; !from the point of view of their completeness, непротиворечивости, clearness and other qualitative characteristics. In a number of cases in practice the question on the responsibility loses sense in conditions of availability of legal opportunities to bypass that or other restriction or interdiction. Thus, the important factor is the achievement of adequacy of the instructions supported with the sanctions, that does not exclude necessity to record in norms of the right not only measure of the responsibility, but also particular(specific) basis and order them of применения. 1

For want of non-observance of contracts the subjects of foreign trade activities bear property and other responsibility stipulated by the legislation and the made agreements. The payment of the fines for infringement of conditions of the agreements, and also reimbursement of the caused losses does not release a party in fault of carrying out of the obligations, if other is not stipulated by the law or agreement.

    Chapter II.


    2 Device of the President of a Republic of Uzbekistan.

One of the most important bodies on management, regulation and coordination of foreign trade activities in a Republic of Uzbekistan is the Device of the President.

The president of a Republic of Uzbekistan is the chief of state and executive authority in a Republic of Uzbekistan. The president of a Republic of Uzbekistan is simultaneously CHAIRMAN of a Study of the Ministers of a Republic of Uzbekistan.

The president of a Republic of Uzbekistan carries out a management(manual) of the state, his(its) activity, and, hence, sends management of foreign trade activities in a Republic of Uzbekistan.

In the work I shall stop on such institute of a state authority as a Service of the State adviser of the President of a Republic of Uzbekistan under the interstate attitudes(relations) and foreign economic relations more in detail. On the nature the Service of the State adviser of the President of a Republic of Uzbekistan under the interstate attitude(relation) and foreign economic relations is structural division of the Device of the President of Republic Узбекистан. 2 Activity of a Service of the State adviser is directed on organizational, информационно-analytical and экспертно-legal maintenance of activity of the President of a Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of the interstate attitudes(relations) and foreign economic relations. One of problems of a Service of the State adviser is the maintenance of performance(fulfillment) of the decrees, orders, and also assignments(orders) of the President of a Republic of Uzbekistan on questions внешнеполитической and foreign trade activities, preparation and entering on consideration of the President of a Republic of Uzbekistan of the offers on perfection of нормативно-legal base внешнеполитической and external economic деятельности. 1 Main functions of a Service of the State adviser are:

· Preparation and entering on consideration of the chapter of a Republic of Uzbekistan of the offers under the perspective and current plans of realization of large international political, economic and cultural measures both inside country, and behind its(her) limits;

· Coordination of activity of ministries, departments, organizations participating in realization внешнеполитического and external economic rates of Uzbekistan, maintenance of interaction and direction of their work on fulfilment of the decrees, orders and assignments(orders) of the President, and also maintenance of practical realization of the agreements and agreements achieved by the chief of state during foreign visits and frameworks of the contracts with the foreign representatives(representative) to a Republic of Uzbekistan;

· Organization of work on preparation and entering on consideration of the President of a Republic of Uzbekistan of the offers on the international attitudes(relations) and economic complementation;

· Study and generalization of results of work of ministries and departments, Ministerial Council of Republic Karakalpakstan, local bodies of management in the field of the interstate attitudes(relations) and foreign economic relations with the purposes of entering the appropriate corrective amendments and perfection of their activity in this direction;

· With the purposes of fulfilment of the delivered problems, the Service of the State adviser supports contacts to the representatives(representative) of embassies, consulates, diplomatic and other missions, international financial and economic representations, foreign firms and companies accredited in a Republic of Uzbekistan;

· Maintenance of study of a condition and tendencies of development of world(global) economic relations, organization of development and realization of measures on integration of Uzbekistan in world(global) economic community, increase of his(its) export potential and competitiveness of production in the world(global) market;

· Organization of preparation of the offers on perfection of нормативно-legal base внешнеполитической and foreign trade activities, examination of the introduced administration bills and other normative sertificates(acts), agreements, agreements, large-scale contracts proposed to signing with the foreign partners;

· The analysis of a course of fulfilment of the acts made of the international agreements, agreements, large-scale contracts, organization of the control and interdepartmental coordination for want of their realizations; · Maintenance of formation of a reserve of the staff in establishments of system of external relations and economic complementation, organization of work on their preparation, retraining and improvement of professional skill, entering on consideration of the President of the offer on selection and arrangement of the staff of the given sphere.

    2. 2. Study of the Ministers of a Republic of Uzbekistan.

Second on significance by a body of management in sphere of foreign trade activities is the Study of the Ministers. The study of the Ministers provides a management(manual) of effective functioning of economy, social and spiritual sphere, performance(fulfillment) of the laws Олий Мажлиса, decrees, orders and decrees of the President of Republic Узбекистан. 1 a Study of the Ministers, being Government of a Republic of Uzbekistan, heads system of bodies of state management and bodies, created by him, (it, ) of an economic board, provides their agreed activity. The study of the Ministers is competent to decide all questions state and economic board, referred to management of the Republic Узбекистан. 1

Study of the Ministers within the limits of the authorities: · Operates economic, социально- cultural processes, creates conditions for free business;

· Promotes creation and strenghtening of the new forms of managing of concerns, consortia, interbranch associations, associations, directs and coordinates their activity;

· Develops the offers on perfection of structure of management; · Will organize development and performance(fulfillment) of the republican budget, and also

Forecasts both major programs of economic and social development of a Republic of Uzbekistan;

· Provides representation of a Republic of Uzbekistan in the foreign states and international organizations, concludes the intergovernmental contracts and agreements;

· Carries out a management(manual) in the field of foreign trade activities. The study of the Ministers coordinates, directs and supervises work of ministries, departments, state committees both other bodies state and economic управления. 1 Thus, the Study of the Ministers is a link and coordinating mechanism of functioning of other departments and bodies of state management. This function is referred to functions of a Study of the Minister not casually, and because of that, that in structure of a Study of the Ministers as governmental body all public authorities of Republic are submitted. Structure of a Study of the Ministers includes the prime Minister, first deputy and deputies of the prime Minister, the ministers, chairmen of state committees of a Republic of Uzbekistan, chiefs of other bodies state and economic управления. 1

This most give a complete spectrum of ministries and departments which are included in a Study of the Ministers. Considering foreign trade activities and management by her(it) it is necessary to note, that practically all ministries and the departments within the limits of the competence carry out foreign trade activities, and within the limits of the ministries carry out a management(manual) of foreign trade activities.

For example, to management of Ministry of the Justice of a Republic of Uzbekistan such important question of the mechanism of management of foreign trade activities is referred, as registration of the enterprises with foreign инвестициями. 2 Or, Ministry of external economic ties, which directly carries out management of foreign trade activities practically in all its(her) aspects, and also other ministries and departments, which on a nature of the activity can fail management, but support foreign economic relations or carry out regulation ими. 2

The study of the Ministers will form constant commissions and defines(determines) their problems, functions and order of activity. For preparation of the offers on separate questions state and economic board, the development of the projects of the decisions of a Study of the Ministers, and also for fulfilment of the separate assignments(orders) of a Study of the Ministers can form temporary commissions and other working bodies of a Study of the Ministers. On one of such bodies have the direct attitude(relation) to management of foreign trade activities is necessary to stay is a Department of a Study of the Ministers on coordination of foreign trade activities. The department on coordination of foreign trade activities was created according to the decree of a Study of the Ministers from June 13, 1995 № 219“About improvement of coordination of foreign trade activities in a Republic of Uzbekistan”and acts on the basis of a Rule(situation) about Department of a Study of the Ministers on coordination of foreign trade activities as Appendix № 2 to the decree of a Study of the Ministers from July 4, 1995 № 254. The activity of Department is directed on development and increase of efficiency of foreign economic relations of a Republic of Uzbekistan, maintenance in these purposes of coordination of work of state bodies, enterprises and organizations of republic, strenghtening of cooperation with international financial and economic organizations, creation of a favorable investment climate in Uzbekistan.

    Main problems of Department are:

· Development of the offers on external economic policy(politics) to a Republic of Uzbekistan and perfection of normative base of foreign trade activities; · Coordination of activity of ministries, departments, corporations, associations, enterprises of republic for formation of an effective system мониторинга of development of foreign trade and attraction of the foreign capital for realization of the investment projects in priority branches of economy of republic;

· Definition(determination) of priority directions of cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations;

· Coordination of activity of ministries, departments, corporations, associations, enterprises of republic for cooperation to international financial and economic organizations;

· Assistance of activity of missions of international financial and economic organizations in republic;

· Assistance to attraction of the direct foreign investments in economy of a Republic of Uzbekistan.

    Into structure of Department enter:

. Department of coordination of foreign trade activities and development of foreign trade;

. Department of cooperation with international financial and economic organizations;

    . Department of the priority investment projects.

Into structure of Department also enter Office of coordination of technical assistance of a Commission of European Union in Uzbekistan (УзбюроКЕС) and Service of assistance to the investments (ССИ), being the independent legal persons. 1

The department works under the direction of the Deputy of premieres of the minister, курирующего an external economic complex. The current activity of Department is supervised by(with) the chief of Department, приравненный under the status to the minister of a Republic of Uzbekistan. The chief of Department has one deputy simultaneously being the chief of a department of coordination of foreign trade activities and development of foreign trade. The deputy of the chief of Department is equated under the status to the first deputy minister of a Republic of Uzbekistan.

The chiefs of departments are the chiefs of departments, приравненные under the status to the manager of departments of a Study of the Ministers. The chief of a department of cooperation with international financial and economic organizations курирует activity УзбюроКЕС. The chief of a department of the priority investment projects курирует activity ССИ. The chiefs of departments have the deputies, which under the status are equated to the deputies of the managers of departments of a Study of the Ministers.

The device of Department is represented by(with) the main experts, приравненные under the status to the senior experts of a Study of the Ministers, and leading expert, приравненный under the status to the expert of a Study of the Ministers. The technicials is represented by(with) the grown-ups of the inspector.

    Main functions of Department are:

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