
Ñîöèàëüíîå îáúÿâëåíèå ðàçâèòèÿ (english) - (ðåôåðàò)

p>Harmony (harmonia in Greek) –1) combination of music tones in a simultaneous sounding, consonance; 2) coordination, fine combination, commensurability of various properties, objects, phenomena, parts of the whole [84 Brief dictionary of foreign words [in Russian]. – Moscow, 1979. – P. 66. ]. Hegel Georg W. F. (1770-1830) –German philosopher. In his works, he stated the comprehension of history as a development of spirit in time. By Hegel, the goal of the history is a development of the freedom of a citizen in the civil society. Since the realization of freedom necessarily includes the fact that the“world spirit”realizes itself as free, the history is also a progress in realization of freedom. In Hegel’s opinion, the principle of historical development is the reflection of a state of the society. When the spirit of an epoch will realize itself, the form will be historically completed. Realization means the overcoming of the previously existing form of spirit and, by virtue of this, the starting point of a new spirit of the epoch. This constitutes the essential difference between Hegel’s conception of history and Marx’s conception. The last emphasizes a conditionality of the historical development by more dynamical production forces and less movable social relations. The development of the world spirit occurs not automatically. It cannot avoid the participation of people. By pursuing their private interests, people make more than they intend. Without comprehension of this fact, they realize regularities of the history by pushing its course forwards. Historical sociology –trend of the sociological science studying social regularities of development of the society, its systems, institutions, phenomena of social life in the process of their historical evolution. In the comparison of historical phenomena and processes, one determines the common and the partial in them, changes, tendencies, stages of development. A subject of investigations of the historical sociology is the social history of a society since, according to the idea of F. de Coulange, “the history is not a collection of facts occurred in the past. It is a science of the human society”. It is worth to note the tendency to synthesis of the history and the theory of sociology [85 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. – P. 535-538. ]. Historical time –process of equalization of energy potentials between elements of the ethnosphere disturbed by passionary pushes [86 Gumilev L.  N. Ethnogenesis and biosphere of the Earth [in Russian]. – Leningrad, 1989. – P. 495. ]. Involution (envolutio in Latin) –reverse development, diminution, simplification, and reduction, which are related with a loss of some function. Involution in a social development is the period of mastering the new qualitative changes acquired by the society in the course of the revolution. Involution conditionally reminds the period of socialization of the man, first of all, the period of his adaptation in the case of a change in profession [87 Afonin E.  A. Development of Ukraine: Macrosocial approach [in Ukrainian] // Viche. – 1996. – No. 1. – P. 53. ]. Jung Carl-Gustav (1875-1961) –Swiss psychiatrist, psychologist, founder of analytic psychology. He advanced the assertion that, besides the individual unconscious, there also exists the collective unconscious. The foundation of spiritual life includes the inherited experience of the previous generations, which is formed by the totality of archetypes. Archetype is a means of connection of images passing from one generation to another. According to Jung, the archetype presents structural elements of human psychics, which are hided in the collective unconscious. The last is common for all the mankind. They are inherited like the construction of body. The collection of archetypes is bounded; they lie in the basis of creation, assist to the internal unity of human culture, and make the interrelation of various epochs of development and mutual understanding of persons [88 Psychology. Dictionary [in Russian]. – Moscow, 1990. – P. 473. ]. Karma –one of the cardinal positions of the Indian philosophical thought. Its essence is that a sum of good and evil actions of every man (its karma) defines the form of a subsequent reincarnation. The law of karma regulates the infinite process of circulation of vital bodies. The buddhist interpretation of the law of karma recognizes the possibility of improvement of karma under conditions of the current existence for the sake of achievement of nirvana in prospect. The highest justice of the karmic law consists in the requital to everyone by its merits.

From the historical view point, the notion of karma is associated with the process of overcoming the certain stages of development, with“reincarnation”of civilizations during a change of epochal cycles. For example, the West Roman Empire– Empire of Carolus Magnus –Holy Roman Empire. This notion is also related to the conception of Spengler on“maternal” and “daughter” civilizations [89 Vasil’ev L.  S. History of religions of East [in Russian]. – Moscow, 1988. – P. 194-195, 205-210, 226-232, 380-383. ]. Marx Karl (1818-1883) –German philosopher, the founder of scientific communism. He inferred that if every single process is a process of development, then the position of materialistic dialectics is all-embracing. Development is not a direct manifestation but the essence of processes occurring in the nature and society. The universality of development supposes the infinite variety of mutually conditioned interacting phenomena and transformation of some forms of motion of the matter to other ones. For this reason, the universal process of development is composed from a set of particular processes including those which by themselves are not processes of development. In that the development differs from a simple translation, reversible processes, and a recurrence, the universality of development does not limited. On the contrary, it can be interpreted as a contradictory unity of diversity, the unity of oppositions. The termination of development is a transition from one of its forms to the other. The ideal state would be such one, in which the free development of everyone is the condition of free development of all. A key role in social development is played by class struggle.

Mentality –structure, composition of the soul of men, ethnos, and socium, relation of their elements and states [90 Donchenko E.  A. Societal psychics [in Russian]. – Moscow, 1994. – P. 31. ]. Methodology of history [from Metodos (in Greek) – way of cognition and logos (in Greek) – word, doctrine] –system of principles, methods, and procedures of formation and use of the methods of historical cognition and the doctrine about this system. In the course of development of the methodology of history, one can distinguish three stages: classical one–clear contraposition of a subject and an object of historical cognition and action, comprehension of the historical reality as, on the whole, “transparent” for the subject of cognition by rational means; nonclassical one –opposition to the scientific-centrist study of the history (personalism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, existentialism); contemporary post-nonclassical methodology of history, which is characterized by the synergetic paradigm, polyvariance, efficiency of scenarios, its pluralism, nonlinearity. Historical reality is considered not as objective and independent of the will and consciousness of a subject of the global natural-historical process but, on the contrary, the individual existence of the man is perceived as a unit authentic form of the historical being [91 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. – P. 318-320. ]. Model –abstract representation of a theory, its operationalization which can be empirically verified. In this case, not every measurement can be implemented directly. Therefore, in the creation of models, one uses constructs and concepts. Constructs mean the representations which can be substantially defined and measured by using a certain number of indicators. Concepts are the most general notions which can be measured by using constructs. Social modelling is a scientific method of cognition of social processes and phenomena with the help of reproducing their characteristics on other objects. The need in social modelling is conditioned by the necessity of improvement of the technology of management of the social sphere, overcoming of difficulties in the sphere of social design and prognostication, prevention of negative consequences of certain administrative decisions. Successfulness of social modelling depends on the availability of a proper theory describing the phenomenon subject to modelling and on the degree of formalization of the basis of this theory. Specificity of the laws of development of a society makes the question of the adequacy of social modelling to be more complicated than in natural sciences [92 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. – P. 337-341. ]. Models of social action –means of action, which are typical of large social communities, are regulated by values and norms, and are characterized by social-economic resources as well as the level of adaptation of these communities to the institutional environment [93 Diskin I. Russian model of social transformation [in Russian] // Tri veka otechest. reform. – Vol. 4. – Moscow, 1999. – P. 1. ].

Modern (moderne in French) – trend in architecture and fine arts late in the XIX –early in the XX century, which aspired to creation of a new style free of historical adoptions and to use of new technical possibilities. Modernization –totality of various economic, political, governmental-legal, psychological, and culturological changes in a specific society in the direction of bringing it up to date and a permanent improvement; making the social and political systems and their fragments to be close to the maximally possible level of development [94 Gorbatenko V.  P. Strategy of modernization of the society: Ukraine and world on the boundary of millennia [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1999. – P. 173. ].

New economic policy(NEP) was carried on in the USSR in 1921-1929 as a mean to overcome the crisis generated by the policy of“war communism”. NEP was a symbiosis of the restricted freedom for private initiative and regulated“state communism”under the political control of the Communist Party. The similar model is acting in China from the beginning of reforms introduced by Den Xiao Ping in 1978. Ontogenesis [from ontos (in Greek) – existing and genesis (in Greek) – origin, development] –individual development of an organism from the moment of origin to the termination of life. The development of a personality is comprehended as a perspectively directed natural-historical process of formation of a subject with a definite form of vital activity, in which the psychical development of the man is interconditioned by a real development of the personality. A human individual reproduces achievements of the history of human culture during his intravital development. The development of activity is a condition and means of development of the personality. The historical origin of leading kinds of activity allows one to rationally explain analogies between the psychical development of an individual and historical development of the mankind. Every historical epoch and every society generate the own periodization of the psychical development of childhood, whose limits and contents are defined by a specific-historical situation, accumulating requirements of a definite society to childhood and its limits, of development of a child [95 Feldshtein D.  I. Psychology of development of a personality in ontogenesis [in Russian]. – Moscow, 1989. – P. 208. ]. Period –chronological interval, from the historical viewpoint, between definite important events which substantially influence the rhythm of change in stages of the social-historical development, for example, the periods of crusades, great geographical discoveries, Great French Revolution, etc. Periodicity –periodic order of the derivative of mediated existence of a definite number of elements composing a continuous series. Periodicity consists of differences in the limits of a unit entity and is a variety of that is relatively distinct. Therefore, one should distinguish the following in any period: limits or poles of the period, b) bounded number of elements included in the period due to their properties to be between those two poles, c) internal sequence existing between two or more elements. This sequence reflects a relation between quantity and quality (i. e. , the possibility of a transition of one to another). A representation of the period in the temporal dimensionality is equivalent to the definition of process. This process will be evolutionary if it exhausted and regressive (involutionary) if it ascending (or repeating) [96 Afonin E.  A. Development of Ukraine: Macrosocial approach [in Ukrainian] // Viche. – 1996. – No. 1. – P. 54. ]. Personality –1) system of self-regulation of the social activity of the man. Its establishment makes him by a subject of this activity and social relations, into which the man enters, 2) system of psychological mechanisms of the social subjectivity of the man, which are formed only through the interaction with other persons on the basis of that culture, whose carriers they are. The human personality in its occupational manifestations reveals for other persons as a certain totality of socially significant features of the personality. The formation of personality begins with the first contacts of a newborn child with the social world and occurs in the process of socialization of the individual due to, first of all, the intercourse with other persons. The personality is a complex polystructural polyfunctional system. Common functional subsystems are: 1) mechanisms of internal regulation of the orientation of a human activity, regulation of what he makes, 2) mechanisms of internal regulation of the means of his activity, regulation of how he makes. Social properties of the personality, which are historically determined, simultaneously define a further development of the society [97 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. – P. 373-374. ]. Phase [from phasis (in Greek) – appearance] –1) definite moment, stage in development, in the change of a form or state of something or somebody; definite period in development of the historical process; 2) separate component of some inhomogeneous physico-chemical system [98 Brief dictionary of foreign words [in Russian]. – Moscow, 1979. – P. 297. ]. Plan of social development –scientifically substantiated system of indices of improvement of conditions of work and way of life, which is supported by corresponding calculations and forecasts of material-technical security.

Policy (politika in Greek –state social affairs) –sphere of activity related to relations between social classes, nations, and other social groups, whose kernel is the problem of conquest, retention, and use of the state power. Policy is a historical phenomenon arising with differentiation of a society. The contents of policy is defined by social relations. External policy is a continuation of the internal one with other means. Policy is a concentrated representation of the economy. However, since it is impossible to retain the economic supremacy without political power, policy has a superiority above economy [99 Political dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1982. – P. 420. ]. Policy (politike in Greek –state activity) –sphere of vital activity of the society, system of definite social relations, interaction of classes, nations, other social groups, states. It is a totality of actions, measures, and institutions, which put into agreement the interests of individual classes of a separated society, realize the preferential satisfaction of interests of the economically ruling strata by means of the representation of their interests as total ones. Policy is the art of the possible, a factor of conservation of the conditionality of a differentiated society [100 Brief politological dictionary [in Russian]. – Kyiv, 1992. – P. 63-64. ]. Post-modernism –interdisciplinary intellectual movement, a new aspect of view and a collection of conceptual approaches to the sociocultural reality rather than a new theoretical paradigm. It involves: 1) a new tendency in self-consciousness of developed west societies, which was characterized by Lyotard as a distrust to metatheories, a refusal from“great tasks” of the mankind, which are oriented to future –ideas of progress, a sequential development of freedom, universality of knowledge, industrial-technical development, liberation of people from a burden of every-day work, 2) global state of the civilization during three last decades of the XX century.

A schematic-semantic contraposition of modernism and post-modernism was developed by the American literary critic Ikhab Hasan by the method of binary oppositions as follows:

    Discourse of modernism
    Discourse of post-modernism
    Universalization of history
    Localization of history
    Standardization, mass-making
    Polyvariance, individuality
    Homogeneity of time
    Heterogeneity of time

As distinct from positivism theoretically providing the process of modernization and aspiring to ground the system unity of the social world, post-modernism takes the diversity and mottling as a foundation of the contemporary world. As a distinctive feature of the corresponding conceptual approach, we consider eclecticism, equality of rights of various styles of thinking, pluralism of esthetic standards, negation of division into“high” and “lower”cultures, break with the cultural tradition of modernist enlightenment. One denies the expediency of creation of a unit theory but one recognizes the necessity to use all the theoretical heritage for implementation of a new synthesis [101 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. –P. 407-409; Gorbatenko V.  P. Strategy of modernization of the society: Ukraine and world on the boundary of millennia [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1999. – P. 173. ]. Prognosis –precognition or foreseeing based on definite data. If a prognosis is made at a certain moment and is not revised as circumstances, affecting separate elements of the prognosis, change, there are few chances for coincidence of the prognosis and reality [102 Oizerman T.  I. Scientific-technical progress: possibilities and limits of a prognosis [in Russian] // Sotsiol. Issled. – 1999. – No. 8. – P. 5. ]. Scientific prognostication of the future is a very complicated applied task of humanitarian sciences. Since it is impossible to foresee neither a final result nor the moment of termination of historical processes (moreover, the single lesson being given by history consists in that just those do not learn on its lessons who do not wish to learn), any possibility for a futurological utilization of history seems illusory. However, the new paradigm of the sociology of history allows one to develop a methodics of scientific prognostication at the level of hypothesis, in particular, by using the principles of social engineering.

Progress (progressus in Latin) –development of the new and advanced; movement to a higher level of development, to a more modern state; change to the best [103 Brief dictionary of foreign words [in Russian]. – Moscow, 1979. – P. 222. ]. Progress and regress –referential notions meaning the development of a society or its subsystems in the line of ascent from a less perfect state to a more modern one (progress) and the return to old obsolete forms of development, which testifies to the social stagnation and degradation (regress). Problematic is the definition of the scale of values of the criteria for the perfect state of a society. For example, marxism considers the development of a mode of production as a criterion of social progress. As for the definition of a degree of humanization of a society, one should use some other approach. All indices, fixing the movement of a society forwards and having no relation to regress (decline, degradation, and stagnation), can be empiric evidences for social progress [104 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. – P. 430-431. ]. Project (projectus in Latin) –1) developed plan of a building, a scheme of a technological process, etc. , 2) preliminary text of a document, 3) plan, intention [105 Brief dictionary of foreign words [in Russian]. – Moscow, 1979. – P. 222. ]. Purposes of social developmentare defined depending on a specific historical situation, according to the reached level of development of social structures and institutions. The interpretation (not always rational one) of short- and long-term problems of social development fills in the social life by sense and allows one to define valuable orienting points in the context of the notions“aim” and “means”. Regress (regressus in Latin) –return, reverse motion, transition from higher forms of development to lower ones, change to the worse, opposition to progress [106 Brief dictionary of foreign words [in Russian]. – Moscow, 1979. – P. 236. ]. Reincarnation –possibility to transform a died ancestor to its totem and backwards; potential possibility to a revival in various forms. For example, the revival of the ancient cultural tradition during Renaissance [107 Vasil’ev L.  S. History of religions of East [in Russian]. – Moscow, 1988. – P. 32, 58. ]. Results of social development –they can be different depending on achievement of the corresponding aims. The simplification of a social structure, regress under conditions of the transient periods of social-historical development can be a reason for negative results. On the other hand, the“price”of progress, e. g. in the case of a forcible modernization (industrialization in the USSR), can be too high, destroying the potential of social capital, i. e. , the total possibility to implement the perspective of social development. Rubinshtein Sergei Leonidovich (1889-1960) –soviet psychologist and philosopher, the founder of the occupational approach in psychology. He stated that the man and his psychics are formed and revealed in a primordially practical activity and, therefore, must be studied in their manifestations in main kinds of their activity. As the principal peculiarity of activity, Rubinshtein considered its sociality: activity is carried out only by a subject; activity as the interaction of a subject with an object is substantial and objective rather than pure symbolic and fictitious; activity is always creative and self-supporting. Activity is mediately defined by its object through its internal specific regularities (through purposes, motives, etc. ) rather than directly [108 Psychology. Dictionary. – Moscow, 1990. – P. 347. ]. Sense of social development –one of the most abstract and simultaneously valuable categories. In the book of Frankel“Man seeking sense”, it is noted that the finding of the category of sense allows one to overcome the existentialistic emptiness and to fill in life with a holistic content. This can be said about social development. This category, besides a vulgar content like the notion“American dream” or Russian expression “from dirt on throne”, has a deep historic-sophistic sense, especially clearly comprehended in the periods of social cataclysms, when the vector of social-historical development is radically changed. The loss of the sense of social development testifies to the profound valuable crisis, e. g. , the time of the downfall of West Roman Empire, disintegration of the USSR, etc.

Small group –social group, whose members directly interact with one another. A quantitative composition of a small group does not exceeds several tens of persons. A totality of small groups functioning in various spheres of vital activity of the society defines the social microenvironment immediately influencing the formation and development of a personality.

Social-economic policyas a conscious purposeful action is carried on along with rationalization of the state apparatus (M. Weber) and is aimed at the organic development. The need in an efficient social-economic policy as a regulative mechanism of the market element arises in crisis periods, e. g. , the time of the“Great Depression” (1929-1933) and “New Deal” of President of the USA F. D. Roosevelt. Social development –type of changes in the society which is characterized by a transition of all social relations to a qualitatively new state. Social development is a result of the interaction of the totality of social processes, whose base is a purposeful activity of persons–subjects of these processes. The mechanism of social development is functioning via both the arising of new needs in the process of activity of various social subjects and search for possibilities of their satisfaction. Social evolution as gradual quantitative changes in the social system prepares and completes the social revolution as qualitative changes in all social structures, which change due to a radical reconstruction of social relations and social institutions. A characteristic of social development is a social time, in which the direction of development reveals. The important role in the provision of stability of social development is played by social reforms and social planning [109 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. – P. 457-458. ]. Social efficiency. In the science-wide meaning, the notion of “efficiency” goes back to the notion “effect”, which appeared in natural sciences and primarily denoted “phenomenon”accompanied by some results. With expansion of the sphere of scientific cognition, the term“effect” became a close synonym for terms “useful result” and “useful action leading to the desired result”. Efficiency characterizes the relation between levels of some activity by the degree of approach to the final or prescribed goal. From this viewpoint, efficiency plays the role of the measure of activity and presents a certain property of the system object. By applying this notion, we qualitatively and quantitatively define how some theoretical possibility of approaching the purpose with respect to the very purpose is realized. By comparing this possibility with the very purpose, it is necessary to perform measurements and then to compare by some accepted criterion. As one of the possible scientific criteria of cognition of the existing systems, efficiency eventually has the valuable nature. The estimation of relations of means to an aim separates the valuable aspect of cognition of the reality from other gnostic reasonings. Social engineering –notion introduced into the scientific turnover by K. Popper in the 40s of the XX century. It means a totality of systemized methods, means, ways of transformation of social sciences, first of all sociological knowledge, into social programs and projects. On the other hand, social engineering is a specific branch of sociology studying the methodological and theoretical foundations of social invention, and construction of new or improvement of existing social realities. In the first case, social engineering presents itself as a practical-applied activity, and, in the second, as the science on this activity, peculiarities, and tendencies of its functioning and development. K. Popper considered social engineering as a purposeful interference of the man with social processes by“the method of trials and errors”. An analogous position was occupied by F. A. Hayek who considered that the order in a society is reached with the help of rationalized spontaneity rather than through a realization of programs. Main functions of social engineering are as follows: aim-forming (creation of a new reality produces new needs); constructive-prognostic (prevention of unfavorable phenomena); expert, control, design-constructive ones. Note that social construction and innovations are the most complex forms of social-engineering activity [110 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. – P. 203-204. ]. Social genesis [from societas (in Latin) – society and genesis (in Greek) – origin] –process of origin, establishment, and further development of a society as the highest form of natural organization [111 Afonin E. A. Development of Ukraine: Macrosocial approach [in Ukrainian] // Viche. – 1996. – No. 1. – P. 55. ]. Social hierarchy –structural organization of a society or separate groups by the sign of levels with subsequent submission of lower levels to higher ones. Whereas the notion of stratification accents differences and makes every stratum (estate) autonomic, the notion of social hierarchy passes ahead the subsequent interrelation and co-submission between different levels. Social hierarchy is characterized by: functional-purposeful unity of levels composing it; dominant of subjective organizational-administrative bases of its formation and existence; predominantly vertical connections and the pyramidal model of the structure of a socium; centralization of functions and structural components with their simultaneous polycentralism, which is an indicator of stability and vital ability of hierarchic formations [112 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. – P. 198-199. ]. Social law –category for designation of forms of manifestation of the social causality and universal dependence of objective, necessary, stable, and repeating ties between processes and phenomena in the society.

The social law is a law of functioning and development of the social reality. It is a law of the society not directly but only through the social reality. The social law reveals only through the activity of people since any ties between social processes and phenomena arise only due to the activity of people. Social laws are characterized by such notions and terms as type, contents and structure, mechanism, character, sphere, and direction of its action, forms of governance, functions, requirements of the law. The clarification of social laws is a necessary condition of control over social processes and prognostication of their development. The category“social law” is commonly accepted neither by the classical nor contemporary sociology [113 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. – P. 178-182. ].

Social mechanism –totality of actions and deeds inalienable from their subjects-carriers, due to which various social phenomena occur and the social process is realized. A structure-forming element of the social mechanism is the interaction of social subjects, motivation of behaviour, legal and moral norms, political belief, social status and social position, institutional means. Social processes and phenomena can be a social mechanism of processes and phenomena in the wider context. The attachment of a conscious-controllable character to the social mechanism is realized through social technologies which help to attain the optimum variant of such an action. A social mechanism involves spontaneous factors complicating the prognostication of specific consequences of an action. The functioning of a social mechanism is an object of scientific investigation, and the social technology is designed with regard for the goal of a transformation, which is an object of the socioengineering activity [114 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. – P. 320-321. ]. Social process –subsequent change of a state or movement of elements of a social system and its subsystems, or any social object; it occurs under influence of internal or external conditions, has a stable order of the interaction of its components, temporal duration, and orientation to one or another state of the social object. The mentioned processes are often conjugate and have symmetric structural mechanisms differing by the sign of orientation: integration and disintegration of a social system, stability (static character), mobility (dynamism) of a social structure [115 Afonin E. A. Development of Ukraine: Macrosocial approach [in Ukrainian] // Viche. – 1996. – No. 1. – P. 54. ]. Social programs –presentation of principal positions of activity of social structures, political parties, and organizations in a definite perspective. Programs-maximum define the final aim, general problems, and give the theoretical foundation of principles and methods of their solutions. Programs-minimum define the nearest problems and specific plans of activity for achievement of the final aim. Subjects of social programming are bodies of state administration of various levels. The purposeful social programming can be an important directive planning document including the resource, executive, and temporal provision of the complex of social-economic, scientific-research, and organizational-administrative measures ensuring the most efficient and well-timed solution of the state-wide social problems [116 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. – P. 506-507. ]. Social psychics –historical-cultural and psychological readiness of the socium to reproduction of definite behavioral models of reaction to a problematic situation and the necessity to solve new problems advanced by social life. The psychics of a community, i. e. , a certain nonaccidental human formation (society, nation, ethnos, family, social organization) is also called by mentality, spirit of people. The societal psychics is a peculiar psychoculture realized in material phenomena (articles of culture and household, architecture, music, literature, painting, rituals, traditions), energy (rhythms of the socium reflecting in behaviour, facial expressions, rate of reactions), information (“noosphere”, social and natural metabolism). The societal psychics includes a group of properties, states, and processes, which are studied by using the structural-functional model due to their complexity and multidimensionality [117 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. – P. 437-439. ]. The societal psychics is a collective dictionary of historical-cultural heredity of the society [118 Donchenko E.  A. Societal psychics [in Russian]. – Kiev. 1994. – P. 49-50. ]. Social relations –relations between groups of persons, which occupy various positions in the society, take different participation in its economic, political, and spiritual life, differ in the life style, levels, and sources of profit, structure of consumption. Subjects of social relations are various communities of persons which actively interact on the basis of a certain means of social activity [119 Afonin E.  A. Development of Ukraine: Macrosocial approach [in Ukrainian] // Viche. – 1996. – No. 1. ]. Social revolution –radical qualitative changes of the social life guaranteeing a translational progressive development. One distinguishes social revolution as a social-political overturn covering the whole society and revolution as qualitative changes in separate branches of social life. Social revolution is preceded by a revolutionary situation–complex of social-economic and political preconditions for radical revolutionary changes. The intensification of political activity stimulates the appearance of revolutionary movements joining leading social-political forces at a certain stage of development of the society. Political forces of a revolution aspire to power as a means of realization of own interests. The basic sense of a social revolution consists in the redistribution of power and property. Pareto believed that the sense of a social revolution consists in a replacement of the personal composition of a ruling elite.

In the context of the proposed conception of universal epochal cycle, revolution is a phase transition, opposite to co-evolution, from one normative state (evolution) to other normative state (involution). Revolution is a final stage of development of the epochal cycle, in which the previous results are“generalized”. At the same time, by changing the vector of social development and by presenting fundamentally new historical possibilities to the society, revolution“open”a new epochal cycle. In this phase, there occur radical changes of societal (system-wide) characteristics of the society, which implies the break of continuity of the epochal cycle and the appearance of the social system at a new level and a new trajectory of development [120 Afonin E.  A. Development of Ukraine: Macrosocial approach [in Ukrainian] // Viche. – 1996. – No. 1. – P. 54-55. ]. Social synergeticsinvestigates the general regularities of social self-organization, i. e. , interrelations of social order and social chaos. Order is a set of elements of any nature, between which there exist stable (“regular”) relations repeating themselves in space and time. Chaos is a set of elements, between which there are no stable (repeating themselves) relations. Since the self-organization is a qualitative structural change of some objective reality, synergetics is atheory of development. The traditional theory (dialectic conception of G. Hegel and K. Marx) considered a development as a process of transition from one order to another one. It is characteristic of synergetics that chaos is considered as the same regular stage of development as order. Synergetics looks at the process of development as a regular and, moreover, multiple alternation of order and chaos. The essence of development of the social reality reduces neither to a one-sided increase in order (O. Comte) nor to a one-sided increase in a degree of freedom (chaos) (H. Spencer). Developmentis a growth of the degree of synthesis of order and chaos conditioned by the aspiration to the maximum stability. The global process acquires a nonlinear and asymptotic character [121 Bransky V.  P. Social synergetics as a post-modernist philosophy of history // Obshchest. Nauki Sovrem. – 1999. – No. 6. – P. 117-127. ].

Social time –fundamental form of social-historical existence of people and the condition for their activity. Large and small scales of the social life are connected with metric characteristics of time: duration, sequence, recurrence, one-momentariness, multi-momentariness, and rhythm. The time of existence of social subjects involves diachronic and synchronic components. The coexistence of various generations characterizes the historical sense of social reality, which makes the social time to be inhomogeneous. The social time dialectically characterizes the activity and intercourse. The social time in the modus of future can be an object of planning, prognostication, and social modelling. The relation to the historical past and future organically enters the ethnic (national) self-consciousness of individuals. The vector of social time is directed from the past through the present to the future [122 Sociology: Brief encyclopedic dictionary [in Ukrainian]. – Kyiv, 1998. – P. 680-683. ].

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